It’s Not Always Right to Be Right by Hamish Thomson

The work environment is changing, from more relaxed dress codes to flexible working hours and now working from home. One thing remains constant though, the value of relationships and networks in building your career. Hamish Thompson, formerly of the global leadership team at Mars corporation, unpacks for us all the lessons he learnt on his successful career journey. He started out at a London advertising firm and worked his way up to the top of the corporate ladder.

His story might not be all that different from yours. Out of many candidates Hamish landed a position with a top advertising firm while some of his classmates did not. Many of us have been here before. We all want to succeed by meritocracy, but sometimes it’s upto the secret geometry of chance. Wanting something too badly almost always chases it away. The best you could do is keep your options open.

However, if you are lucky and get one foot inside the door, don’t leave anything else to chance. Have a strategy. What better way to make a strategy than to model one after someone who’s gone ahead of you and succeeded?

It’s not Always Right to be Right, gives us more insight into Hamish’s leadership style and the principles that have kept him on an upward trajectory in his career. He tackles various topics such as company culture, bad bosses, office politics and other topics relating to managing people and motivating them to do their best work.

This is an easy going autobiography. Often we don’t see the human side of top ranking executives. It’s hard to picture them on the receiving end of a telling off or having any doubts about their capabilities. Hamish opens up to us about the challenges he encountered and how he tackled them.

In case you are wondering, Hamish works to live. It matters if you care about maintaining a life-work balance, a topic also covered in this book. We don’t often hear enough about people like him rising to the top. The ones who work to live rather than live to work. Hopefully, many of you can replicate his success and be the bosses others would love to work with. This book will teach you the value of relationships and how you can leverage them for career growth.

I recommend this to recent graduates entering the job market and anyone who’s keen on climbing the corporate ladder. It will be a useful tool for mapping out your career and defining where you are right now. It’s an opportunity to reflect and see why you might have stalled and what you can do to remedy the situation. I came out with a few lessons that I will be implementing on my creative ventures.

Grab yourself a copy on or

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