An Interview With Sebastian King

Congratulations on publishing your book, Seizure of Writes. When did you first consider writing this book? Thanks. I first begun the idea when just published my first thriller book “Whistleblower called treasonist” and I was seeing all the mass cancelations of other books at the time and thought “hey, this could happen to me”.

Nico’s story still has a lot of potential for further development, should we expect a sequel? Not at this point. I find it’s easier to write standalone’s without tarnishing the characters and story by overextending their potential.

Are you working on any other books? I have a few drafts right now, including a dystopian, but nothing I’d guarantee a release for yet.

How would you describe your genre? At this point it falls somewhere in the thriller, and I’d like to think that to bemorality or educational thriller.

Do you see yourself in any of your characters? I do. There were definite shreds of myself in Nico, as I partially modeled him off myself, but you can see parts of me in some of the other characters if you were to know and compare them as well as I do.

Are any of your characters inspired by people you know in real life? For sure. There’s a lot of similarities between some of them.

Are you part of a writing community? No, not yet. I’m still working up the courage to join one. I’m sure it’d be fun, I’m just a bit sensitive.

What’s your advice to new authors thinking of publishing their first book?Research carefully. Don’t let anyone push you into publishing somewhere your not comfortable with. There’s always a little apprehension, but be careful. And don’t fold. Your story is worth reading. Absolutely worth reading.

Did you write this book with a predetermined end or did the ending surprise you too? It surprised me too to be honest. I asked a friend of mine if it should be a tragedy and she said she hated tragedies. I couldn’t convince myself later that murdering Nico would be better than ending at a cliff hanger.

Where can your fans reach you and connect with you? Writing Seb thriller. That’ll take them to my website or they can use the postal address in the back of my books.

Click here to buy yourself a copy of Seizure of Writes.

Thanks for stopping by! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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